Good news, Cancer can now be reversed naturally without side effects. Rain International products; Rain Soul and Rain Core have proven to be effective against Cancer cells--they help to kill off cancer cells, stop the metastases of cancer cells and in the course, reverse cancer.

Because of the power-packed Rain Soul and Rain Core ingredients, they are very potent.
The health benefits of Rain Soul asides reversing cancer are numerous. You can read them Here
Rain Core, which is 2.5 times the power of Rain Soul has amazing health benefits. You can check out the Health Benefits of Rain Core.  For Where to buy buy Rain Soul check HERE
Below are some Rain Soul cancer testimonies.

To buy Rain Soul ,contact 08130439033
To buy Rain Soul and Rain Core in Abuja; 09076682351(JUWON)

1. Stage four cancer testimony

2. Ovarian Cancer Testimony
3. Rain Soul Prostate Cancer Testimony
4. Rain Soul Cancer Testimony from Nigeria


It is cancer of the plasma cells. The plasma cells are a type of white blood cell in the bone marrow. With this condition, a group of plasma cells becomes cancerous and multiplies. The disease can damage the bones, immune system, kidneys and red blood cell count.
Symptoms may not be present or may be non-specific, such as loss of appetite, bone pain, and fever.
Medically, it is said to have no cure. This is the reason Rain products are exceptional: they disrupt medical belief.
Here is an amazing Rain Soul testimony on Multiple myelomas.
Posted by - Jerald Taylor(From USA) : I have a friend who HAD multiple myeloma. He was on his deathbed and could barely move. He went through chemo, but I gave him 1 packet of SOUL per day for 3 months and he was then able to get out of bed. After 4 months his blood analysis showed no spike in myeloma whatsoever and it has never returned! He has been fully restored to optimal health! That was over 2 years ago! He still takes 1 packet of SOUL per day faithfully!

Testimony from the Philipines:

" There was specific event in the life of my beloved nephew which encouraged me to share so that I can declare the wonders of God particularly how He snatched the son of my sister from the jaws of death to life.
My name is Mayett Bolongita. I am an Engineer by profession from Cebu city Philippines . My nephew at his tender age of four (4 ) was diagnosed with Leukemia a life threatening disease. His Oncologist suggested that he must undergo five (5) intense Chemotherapy which we followed. Every single chemo was like sending him to a war zone he alone fought and we his family were mere spectators with no power whatsoever to help him win the battle. At the end of the treatment he becomes so weak and blood transfusion follows because his blood counts dramatically drops. This scenario had been a natural occurrence from first, second and third chemo session. Going to fourth and fifth chemo treatment, our family sensed that our boy might not survived because of his failing body, lack of appetite to eat, often vomit and always on bed.
We pray for an alternative treatment that will bring back his energy before going to fourth chemo session. I found Rain SOUL in the internet and personally met SHIR PHILIP ORTIZ a Rain partner in Cebu. His explanation how Rain SOUL works, somehow sparks a ray of hope to my troubled heart. I registered as a Rain Partner and gave three packets a day of SOUL to my nephew.
Wonders of all wonder, my nephew discharges a black sticky substance with foul odor. It looks like a dead old blood clot. Before he took Rain soul, his blood count was 9 so low and very alarming. After He took one packet of SOUL his platelets went up from 9 to 35 then move up to 75 and went up higher and never came down again. After few days, we then noticed our boy started to play again with his toys and signs of failing body no longer manifests.
Comes now the fourth chemo session. We went to the hospital with our boy no longer in wheelchair. He walked like a healthy person. The treatment ended with his doctor in total shocked. Our boy, stood up as if no chemo was administered to him. He looked at other cancer kids who like him administered with chemo all in bed with no strength while our boy is excited to go out the hospital with lots of energy to keep going.
Did I mention that we left the hospital with no blood transfusion because his blood count were normal unlike the first up to third chemo treatment where blood transfusion was much needed?
Rain SOUL is truly life to those who find it. The Laboratory result will speak for it.
Now my nephew whom we fondly call by his name GIFT is free from Leukemia and is doing very well in school.

Testimony copied as shared:
Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer, Manila, Philippines
   “The perception that almost all women will die of OVARIAN CANCER is not correct,” says Rosemary Cress, lead author of the study, published online August 5, 2015 in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. “
This Rain story will be helpful and promising news for women diagnosed with this disease.
“I feel it’s my duty to share this amazing testimony of a patient of Dr. Joey Sinchioco, my Rain Partner, my school mate in highschool. He is an OB-Gynecologist, constructive surgeon and a Functional Medicine Doctor. His patient was suffering from Stage 4 ovarian Cancer. The Oncologist recommended chemo and radiation but Doctor Sinchioco decided to just give Rain SOUL 3X a day and after 5 months she was completely healed. I won’t say much. I will just let the pictures say it all.”
Shared by:
Ms. Marita Palisoc, Rain Partner from Metro Manila, Philippines

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