Rain International has been around for about 4 years in Nigeria.
In the inception of Rain International in Nigeria, partners were only sharing testimonies of people outside Nigeria who the products have worked for.
Because of the high demand for Rain Nigerian testimonies, we have decided to create this post for people who are searching online for them.

If you are a Nigerian or in Nigeria, and you need Rain Soul Nigerian testimonies, here are testimonies collected recently from one of our groups.

 NOTE: These testimonies are posted here as submitted word-for-word


" My name is EBUN OMOAREBU.
In 2014, I had my second son JASON. His birth weight was 2.5kg and at 6 weeks it remained the same!😮 Of course this is not normal for a 6weeks old baby, so when I took him for his immunization I was told to have an HIV test done on him. Of course, the result came back negative since both parents never had it.
Then at 8weeks he was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease called PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosis). He was admitted to the hospital and was placed on oxgen and antibiotics to manage the situation. And then boom! Doctors told us that the child must be taken abroad for a Heart Surgery! So, in 2015 my son was taken to India for Surgery.
Unfortunately, after the surgery, we discovered through a host of specialists who examined him that the damage had already been done 😥 Because oxygenated blood was not flowing through his body as a result of the heart failure, the muscles had become stiff leading to a host of health problems (Stiff muscles, low cognition, impaired vision, lungs tightness, painful abdominal cramps/spasms, hernia and deafness, just to mention a few😱😢)
All hope seemed lost and for 2 years we kept battling with his health - from fever, viral cough to viral stooling because the immune system is very low.
Then in January 2017 a friend introduced SOUL to me and after careful research I got a box in June 2017 and started giving it to him. After 3 days he started experiencing what is later known as healing responses/crisis. Even after his heart surgery, there was only a little difference in his condition (at least after the surgery his breathing was better), but the damage had been done!! My son could only take liquid food e.g. light pap, Custard, milk and juice. No solids. But just two weeks on Rain soul OMG!! he was able to eat all kinds of food even  Rice and other solids! (Soul has stimulated the cells to start correcting and healing the body 😮i.e the lungs that were  underdeveloped) Muscle tone had improved - his stiff muscles became supple, to the amazement of his doctors/therapists @LASUTH,who then asked me what i was doing right, what is it that i am using? Infact a case study was later carry out there on the products with positive results!
🔅He can now ride his bicycle beautifully, improved vision, but best of all is what soul does to his brain!
After surgery, the neurologist that examined him in India told us the protein in his brain was not enough and that his developmental milestones would be greatly delayed and we thought he would prescribe medications, but to our surprise he said there's no drug for it. That only good nutrition could improve the condition and to continue occupational therapy for him. But within 2 weeks Soul improved his cognition and serve as the good nutrition his brain needs to develop and perform its functions such as stimulating developmental milestones! That was when he started growing.
Fastforward to June 2019. Its been 2 years now since Jason has been taking this amazing seed nutrition! All health issues gone except speech and that too is a work in progress;
🔅he's starting to call mummy 🤗🤗
🔅can walk by himself unassisted
🔅has been enrolled in school since last year!
Thank you to Rain int'l and the brain behind the PRODUCTS. And the greatest thanks go to our heavenly Father Jehovah, the source of Life and life sustaining seeds💦

My Story
I am 54 yrs old from Nigeria . Trained as a staff nurse , migrated to Uk 2001, for a better life. Before I left Nigeria my salary then was #5,000 ( £10), things were hard, to pay bills was difficult , even though I have a patent medicine shop then , despite that , together with my husband who was a lecturer then , we could not make ends meet, so we migrated to Uk. Salary in Uk for Staff Nurses seems great but still not enough to pay bills and attend to less privileged extended family at home,I have to work extra hours , on a typical week , I work over 60 hours to meet up with finances, but then working hours were tough, you work 12 hours per shift with only one hour break, you will be on your feet for those remaining 11 hours?? That is when you are lucky to have the full statutory One hour break, th break time is not enough to rest your feet or hydrate your self. You also need to cope with politics & Racism at work , and I was brought up in an environment & culture where you have to stand up for your self at all times . While thinking about what to do with my self , after working over 30 years of been in a profession where I can not pay my bills without working extra hours , my Eldest sister introduced me to a health & wellness company, but initially I did not show any interest , having been in two MLM, business in the past without any gain nor profit, I have vowed not to be involved in any Network marketing business again,but another of my sister’s friend , had an operation & after the surgery , the wound is still leaking & draining for almost 3 weeks post surgery,so my sister introduced the product to her & within few days of consuming the product , the leaking stopped & within 10 days , the wound healed up totally , she was amazed , she also joined the business , one day she came to my house talked about her healing , even showed me her income weekly via her IPad ..... Wow, I could not believe what I see .
I found this new love of seed nutrition , the business that I can do in the comfort of my home, in which I do not need to stand on my feet for 12 hours per day for 5 days , the standing which is affecting my health, at the same time I was thinking of what to do when I retires , as I did not wish to retire at 67 years as per Uk government . With the income not enough to pay bills , apart from cool income every Friday .this business has enabled me to tourch so many peoples life both health wise & financially.with good leadership & mentorship plans we enjoyed in my company. I am super excited about the future , I have no fear whatsoever , because it is my own business , I have time freedom & financial freedom as well.

.......Adetutu Orekoya



I lived a healthy life until I was over sixty years when I started experiencing health problems.
Due to the nature of my job I use to sit in one place for hours on end everyday. In the e d I started experiencing swollen legs (aedema). It became so bad that any time I sat for over thirty minutes without moving I'll be in trouble. Drugs were not helping much.
Secondly, I was suffering from serious constipation with no permanent solution.
I developed continuous eye problem - itching, watery eyes and serious headache. I started frequenting the doctor's place. Various eye drops, drugs and medicated glasses did not reverse the condition rather I started having problem with my vision. In the second quarter of 2016, the Opthalmologist told me that I was developing Glaucoma in both eyes!
My eyesight started deteriorating rapidly. One day, while discussing my helpless condition with my daughter, she advised me to try Rain Soul. I asked where I could get it and she said I needed to register as I could not get it in any pharmacy. I immediately registered and started using it. She told me to shake and drink but I decided to also apply direct to my eyes. It was very painful at first but gradually the pain subsided. This was around September/October 2016.
Alas! Without knowing exactly when, I started seeing well without the usual irritating symptoms. The other thing, I use to get very tired even to get up where I sit. That too has disappeared! Rain Soul is a wonderful gift to humanity. I have dropped all the other supplements I was using before and have even become a distributor of Rain Soul and Rain Core while I also consume it with my family now.
Rhoda Tor-
NOTE:. What I have written has not been evaluated by NAFDAC. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rhoda Tor-agbidye

==I was in involved in an accident in year 2010, that affected my eye pressure and made me to have cataract in one of the eye which I did surgery on the affected eye. Before then my eye pressure had been causing me to have blood vision. The power lens of my glasses was already gotten very high up to 4.5. Until June 2019 when Dr. Dawodu introduced me to rain product. I became rain partner and I started using rain soul one sachet in the morning before food and one sachet at night. To my surprise my eye started getting clearer. When I went for checkup in October 2019, my doctor told me what I already knew that my eyes could see well now and my vision got clearer. Thank God for Rain International.
Toyin Alesinloye
The statement does not intend to diagnose, treat or cure as these statement has not endowed Food, drugs and administration
Toyin Amudat Alesinloye


I became depressed as a result of consistent headache and lack of sleep. I had diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. I also had problems with my eyes and so I used glasses. I had serious pains all over me . All these affected my social life

I was sad and angry many times
Above all I was broke
On 3rd July 2018, Mr. Peter invited me to seminar and Mrs Omolara Umana made a presentation about SEEDS NUTRITION. I signed up and got a pack of Rain soul. I took 2 sachets daily for 3 days and I noticed significant changes in my life.
After that I slept well and no more headaches. I stopped using glasses. I became happier and friendlier. I told almost everyone about my situation as it was obvious those who knew me saw changes
Rain soul has been a regular part of my diet ever since. It helped me to be up and doing with no pains
Since I joined, I earn money weekly which has solved my financial problems
Thank you Mr. Peterfor inviting 🙏
Thank you Mrs. Omolara Umana 🙏for the presentation
I thank myself for taking steps 
Thank you rain🙏
Long live!!!
.....Juliana Saleh



Best using rain soul. My eyes was too reddish with spot on November 2019. I started using rain soul as my eye drops, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Though, at first it was painful each time I dropped it but the pain can only last within a second and as day goes by the pain started reducing. I used it for two months. At a time my hubby and friends said I should go to the hospital seeing the reddish of my eyes, it was fearful because it looks like cataract and I said no because I know the product am using what it can do and I don't want any operation. I insisted and continued with my normal dropping with ease. I wake up one day and found out that all has gone, that was last week of January 2020. Wow 😀😀😀😀😀
What an amazing product.
Thank God am rain partner.
Thanks to rain🤝🏽
Ifeoma from Ebonyi state, Nigera

I was diagnosed with an almost Stage 4 breast cancer in 2005. I completed treatment in September 2006. I was told by my Doctors that I would be disabled for life due to the many complications from the conventional treatment.
In January 2009, I changed my lifestyle including my habits and diet. I had a bit of relief but was still always in pain and also suffered from Tinnitus (ringing in the ears). This was because the Chemotherapy damaged my hearing filters. I was unable to stand any type of noise and there was no filter for the conversations I had.
In March 2018, I was invited to a whats apps presentation. The testimonials I saw really got my attention.
I started using Seed Nutrition the first week in April. Within a few days the all over body pain had disappeared and also the ringing in the ears stopped.
Thank you to Rain International for helping me get my life back.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Yetunde Odebiyi


I once said here that rain soul saved my dad's leg, yes it's true. He suffered from diabetes which has resulted to wound or sore on his legs and the doctors said it will be amputated....later come across soul, and see what it has done..👇👇👇
walafindara Lojujah 


As a family we all have experienced better health with Rain soul and core.
My husband’s constant migraine,serious itching of the eye and excessive sweating have all stopped.
My first son’s ADDH symptoms is gradually fading away he sleeps better, his tantrums has reduced and he has greatly improved when it comes to reading.
My second son’s frequent visit to the clinic because of malaria and infection has reduced drastically in-fact when we started with rain soul ,for 9 months he didn’t experience fever at all, we were amazed because we visit the clinic every month prior to this.
I no longer experience pains in my knees when climbing the stairs ,i have so much energy and i have maintained a normal blood pressure reading this was something i have battled with for more than 4yrs.
The health benefits we have experienced is much as a family.
Thanks to seed nutrition for always showing us a better way to Good health.
Ronke Okafor


My testimony about Rain products both core and soul. I was invited but I never answered. Later when I finally registered and I used rain soul, i felt my ulcer got worsen, so i stopped using soul and i had to call my upline and her upline telling them it is not working. But, they both kept telling me to continue and use 1hour after food if is painting me before food. So i took to the advice, today my ulcer is 80% gone. I also use rain core like a carton. My arthritis also reduced by 90% now. So happy that i joined rain family. I have also used both products for my customer and my driver wife who both had stroke and they have gone to church to give testimony and they are now ok. Also one of my staff in my office, after using like 20 pieces of soul and 6 core, her fibroid has reduced from 6.2cm to 4.2cm. And she is still using soul. Alots to say about the product, but just to keep it short. Yakubu Aishat A.
Aishat A Yakubu


I had arthritis on my left knee for about 2 years. The pains were excruciating, my knee was always swollen and felt as if it was filled with water. I couldn't bend it, as a Muslim I had to say my daily prayers sitting down. I love dancing I couldn't dance for long. To move about after sitting down for 10 minutes or more was hell, I would have to wait for a couple of minutes after standing before I could walk. I started taking steriod injections into my left knee a year ago and since then every 3 months as well as taking codeine and paracetamol. I had to stop my gym activities. My weight increased.

January 2019 my sister in law told me about Rain Soul, I contacted Yetunde Odebiyi to procure a box. I started with one sachet a day, by the third day I felt as if the water in my knee had drained, my knee felt stronger. My colleagues noticed that I had a spring in my steps!! To date I have not had cause to take steroid injections which I used to take every 3months and no more painkillers.
Also I used to take 2 different tabs for blood pressure now the doctor has taken me off one of them!! That's not all because I am now active and less tired I am able to go for walks and started dropping weight!!!!
Also for the first time in a decade I didn't have hayfever which I used to have every spring/summer. 💃💃💃.
I also realised that constipation which was a big issue for me is now history too!!
So glad I found Rain Soul!!!
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*
Yetunde Salami

April 17, 2018 soon as my wife and I noticed the symptoms on our daughter, we started with 2 Soul a day. 1 morning, 1 night and applying on her body both morning and evening. Symptoms were arrested immediately after 2 days so the infection didn't spread. 4 days later April 21, 2018 all symptoms disappeared without leaving any spots or scars. No headaches or fevers during the 4 days of challenge. Now that is the power of #Soul.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Ami Sesoo

It’s a year ago today! Hurray! Glory be to God for the power of seed nutrition supplement.
On the 28th December, 2018, I woke up to a sharp Pain at my right back close to my waist, it was a very serious pain and suddenly, I started feeling pressed and go to urinate like every few minutes, so pressed that the pain became intense and wouldn’t calm even a bit until I get the urine out, anytime I went to pee, only few drops will come out and as I will want to go out, I will become press again, we never took it seriously, until on 31st when I went to pee and it was bloody🩸 and I was vomiting frequently, then I was rushed to the hospital where I was asked to go for scan which result came out as 👇👇👇Hydronephrosis(swelling of the kidney due to build up of uterine and it can’t be drained from the kidney to bladder due to blockage or obstruction )
Then I was referred to Specialist hospital in Gwagwalada here in ABUJA as I was told only a specialist can handle the case.
I was giving pain relieve drip at hospital just to hold me on till I get to specialist for treatment.
When I got to specialist, I was asked to go repeat scan and blood test again, which have intervals of one, one week each, and then later asked to go for IVU test as other results weren’t so clear so I was advised to go for higher test. I was giving two weeks to come for my IVU test, I went at the second week as booked but was told I came late and giving another two weeks because they do that test for only few people on their booked days and I should be there very early.
Meanwhile, in all these days, I’ve started using my rain soul, 1-1-1 daily and drank lots and lots and lots of water.
For the first three days, my pain went doubled and I was scared I wouldn’t continue rain soul again but my husband insisted I continued because of the healing responses we had once read of.
So I continued with lots of crying 😭 because of the more intense pain, but at the fifth day, I had something changed in me, the pain went down and I was able to eat and act actively again I never stopped but continued as I know that it’s a minimum of at least 90days consistent use.
So 20th February, 2019 was the second appointment day and I was there so early and had the X-ray done, result came out after a week as 👇👇
No stone and no fluid and kidney well preserved, the doctor asked what I was using and I explained, he said and I quote “I don’t know about what you’re doing but just keep doing what you’re doing and drink lots of water as you have mentioned you do”
“your kidney is protected, no issues and no stone nor fluid gathered”.
Glory be to God. I remember asking for medication and he said, drugs for what? What are mine going to treat? You’re ok but come back anytime you feel the pain again. To the glory of God, NO PAIN OR ISSUES TILL DATE. Never had cause to go complain about me in the hospital till date and will not have again by God’s Grace.
I now added rain core to it when core came and it became more better. So I now take rain soul anytime I feel like but never stopped and I use 1-1-1 rain soul and 1rain core before bed making one rain soul and one rain core at night.
Firdaus O Mohammed
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Firdaus O Mohammed

I have always enjoyed good health until my late 30's when I noticed that I wasn't always so strong. I had challenge with sleeping no matter how early or late I go to bed. Work stress easily took a toll on me. I also have been managing ulcer and stomach disorder challenges since 2003 with different medications and a routine lifestyle without very good results. I was introduced to Rain Soul by my wife and for the two years I have been using #Soul, my #immunity improved tremendously. I have more energy. I am able to #focus on my #business and handle stress much more easily. Insomnia & Ulcer have #resolved #naturally and easily plus I enjoy all round #wellness.
Sesoo Ami (Esq) from Abuja-Nigeria
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Sesoo Ami


*Eczema Testimonial*
I suffered from eczema for over 50 years. Always itching and hardly getting enough uninterrupted sleep.
I would scratch my skin until it bled. Conventional medication which included steroids only provided temporary relief with so many side effects.
Shayo invited me to a whats apps presentation and the testimonials I saw were mind blowing I decided to try the products.
I took 1 sachet of Seed Nutrition a day. The first night I slept through the night. I was shocked when I woke up in the morning after an uninterrupted sleep.
After 10 days, I noticed I had not scratched my skin and my skin was much clearer.
I was shocked and very happy about my skin.
I take this everyday now as a normal supplement and I have other testimonials as well.
*Yetunde Odebiyi *
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Yetunde Odebiyi

*****Personal testimonial
This testimony is about someone I know very well.
-She used to ache all over with chronic joint pains
-Had cold feet hence always in socks,
-Often down with one ailment or the other hence had daily drugs to take.
-Dreaded being exposed to AC hence stopped church
and air travels.
-Stopped vigils.
- Sat most of the time while ministering(she is a Gospel Artiste)
- Already giving instructions on her burial arrangements.
NOW she 
-said “Since I started Core, pains inside my bones have ceased.”
-Has Improved joint movements
-Does not have cold feet again so stopped wearing socks
-Attends church without sweaters
-Travelled to Jerusalem with no adverse consequences just after three (3) months of taking Soul daily.
-Ministered every other day at vigils during her trip
-Ministers now standing.
-Enjoys sound health, independent of daily pain killers and is rarely sick.
This person is my mother. At 79, we thank God she has gotten her life back through Soul and Core instead of the former gradual grounding of her life due to what was being seen then as effects of aging.
Do you have elderly people around? Who doesn’t? Aging does not have to be painful. They do not have to become liabilities Let us help them age graciously. Let us help give them back their fun lives! Can you imagine my mum is a Rain Partner. What? At 79!
Now, what is your excuse for not joining this crusade of living impactful lives even at old age?

...Oluwatoyin Olanrewaju

3 years ago after I had my twin children via C-section I started to have back and waist pain as a result of the Epidural injection I was given at that time and subsequent delivery. The Pains were so terrible..
Fortunately in August 2019 someone close introduced this seed based supplement to my family and I fell in love with their testimonials. I registered as a Partner, my family and I started using it for healthy living one sachets of Soul in the morning and a sachet of Core at night. To my utter delight I noticed that the pains had all disappeared in less than 1 month.
Also my husband who hadn't been sleeping properly for months started sleeping through the night peacefully without having to lay awake or toss and turn through the night.
Isn't it Amazing 😁
Disclaimer:* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Constance Ijeoma Anyanwu Aniagolu

There are hundreds of testimonies received in Nigeria alone. Rain International products are saving lives daily. Do you want your testimony to be the among the Rain Soul Nigerian testimony?

Do you need a recommendation on which of the Rain International products--Rain Soul, Rain Core, Rain Bend and Soul Red-- to use,and what dosage?

Do you want to know where to buy Rain International products; Rain Soul, Rain Core, Rain Bend and Soul Red in Lagos, Abuja and anywhere in Nigeria?
Do you need information on Rain International Registration process?

Then Contact us; 08130439033, 09077815953

To buy Rain Soul, Rain Core, Rain Bend and Soul Red in Abuja, contact; 09076682351(JUWON)

                                                BUY RAIN SOUL NOW
NOTE: If you're in Nigeria, payment is not made online. Ensure you get your ORDER ID that would be generated after you place your order, proceed to the closest Rain office, make payment (with the Order ID. Payments are not accepted without it) and pick up your product..
If you want direction on how to place order and pick up, Click HERE to connect directly to Whatsapp


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